
How do you position your product for an uncertain future?

Our quoting tool was still new in Q12024 and we needed to increase adoption to get a better understanding of what equipment was being quoted and for how much. We also needed to be able to quickly pivot based on business needs.

Working with my PM and talking to our users and business stakeholders, we developed a living roadmap that could quickly be updated if needed, and acted as a landing page to dive further into what we were working on.

The format was adopted by teams throughout the company.

Start with our users.

I worked with our PM to interview salespersons within the company. We spoke with those who were using the tool to determine how we could make it better for them. We also spoke to potential users who hadn’t started using our quoting tool to find out what was missing.


We took the main takeaways and tagged them in a spreadsheet in Notion, where we could sort by type of request or gap. We then added them to a Figjam board to look for themes.

Speak to business stakeholders.

Once we had a good idea of the general themes we wanted to improve upon based on our user feedback, we spoke to our business stakeholders to determine where there was overlap, and where we could run experiments to increase revenue.

Roadmap: Now, Next, Later

I took all of our suggestions, and added them to a roadmap based on our prioritization workshop. Knowing that leadership may have suggestions, we used a now, next, later format to show what we were working on currently and what was coming up in the future. This allowed us to make changes on the fly based on new input from leadership and users.

Success Metrics

  • Overall increase in adoption by 40%

  • Increased quote to order conversion rate to 65%

Thematic Card Sort
Interview Documentation